This Monthly Report consists of the Envoy’s activities in Indonesia, including:

  • MMAF FIP visit and filling the gap on the fisheries research and management among government and stakeholders in Betahwalang Central Java Indonesia, 5 February;
  • Coordination with Indonesian MMAF DG Marine and Fisheries Competitiveness Strengthening, DG MCS and DF Capture Fisheries regarding implementation of Control Document and Audits in Jakarta, 26-27 February;
  • Strengthening NFI Crab Council role in Central Java Province as the Chair of BSC Management and Conservation, and getting involved in the government and stakeholders meeting in Semarang, 28 February.


MMAF FIP visit in Betahwalang Central Java

On February 5th, two senior staff representing the MMAF Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Product Competitiveness visited Betahwalang. The purpose of this visit was to guide local BSC fishers, collectors, and mini-plants towards better fishery and processing practices, and to facilitate their linkage with secure financial agencies.

We expect MMAF to remain committed to sustaining the livelihood of fishers. We believe that the government and the people are the key to future sustainability. But this future sustainability relies on a commitment to the prohibition of undersized crabs and berried females.

MMAF DG Marine and Fisheries Competitiveness Strengthening in Jakarta

On February 26-27, MMAF DG of Marine and Fisheries Products Competitiveness invited APRI, SFP, NFI Crab Council and other MMAF Units to discuss recent progress in the Control Documents/Audit system implementation.

The meeting on CD/A at MMAF was quite open. Dr. Catur of MMAF chaired. Around 30 participants offered comments and suggestions about further progress within MMAF.

As expected, our questions on the compliance definition and rate of undersized and gravid female crabs were also raised by many. APRI clarified that the compliance refers to Minister Decree No.56 on minimum landing size and gravid female crab.

The meeting suggests that the percentage of undersized and gravid female crabs observed outside landing sites remains a challenge. MMAF, APRI, and the local university and government will work together to enforce no-take on crabs from both categories.

Central Java Provisional Fisheries Meeting

On 28th February, I attend a rather serious, high level meeting hosted by the Head of Provincial Marine and Fisheries of Central Java (PMFCJ). Around 60 participants attended the full day meeting. Speakers included Professor Prayitno, adviser to Minister Edhy Prabowo; Dr. Warsito, advisor to Governor Ganjar Pranowo; and Professor Anggoro from Diponegoro University. The NFI Crab Council served as Chairman of Facilitating Team for BSC Fisheries Management

The purpose of the meeting was to seek ways to accelerate the development of the marine and fisheries sector in Central Java in support of President Jokowi’s recent call for more exports. The meeting emphasized the importance of BSC as the number one export commodity of Central Java Province.

Professor Prayitno underlined the new direction of the MMAF, in particular an emphasis on inclusion at every step with better usage of local input and capacity. Dr. Warsito encouraged this usage of local, social and cultural resources for further marine and fisheries sector development. Professor Anggoro underlined the ecosystem approach and ethical aspects of the sector’s development.

I spoke about NFI Crab Council’s commitment to sustainability, our recent BSC FIP progress in Indonesia including Central Java as one of the top contributors, and ways to encourage sustainable BSC export/trade to the US. On behalf of the Council, I also thanked the Governor for his kind decision to let NFI chair the BSC Facilitating Team.

The Head of Provincial Marine and Fisheries Office and Governor representative concluded that this was the most comprehensive meeting ever accomplished by the province, as sufficient market input was thoroughly given by NFI Crab Council in addition to regular policy and academia and other inputs. The province expects that the Council will continue to support, guide, and remain involved in BSC and the other fisheries of Central Java.